Agloco is still growing very rapidly as the news spreads across the net, but the real boost has yet to come.. Just think when the mainstream media gets ahold of this!! I have debated it several times and really can not come up with a reason that it wouldn't be a good thing to happen... Even if it is some negative comment (which it should NOT be) it will still give exposure to the site, which will get tons of sign-ups directly and indirectly.. There has been some mention of it on the more localized news sites on the web, but very very rare to hear of any comment via radio, newspaper/magazine, and especially television... H0wever, with the numbers increasing drastically still, there is a very good chance it will start showing up more places.. I've seen several advertisments for it, but what I'm looking for is anything from the media themselves- even just a one liner would spark the interest of many that otherwise may not hear of it for many months if ever...
THIS increases the importance of sending out referral emails to those you know because just like buying something, it takes hearing it (really reading it I guess) several times before actually acting.. I'm not saying to SPAM anyone or anything like that, but send out that first email, check out any replies to it and really read them b/c that is your best way to find ways to tweak it, then send out something really short just updating the performance etc.., OH YEAH of course ADD it to your signature.. And just every so often shoot an email with interesting facts or whatever, it really doesn't matter as long as it is read..
Think about those chain emails that go everywhere and to almost everyone it seems, and what if you had your Agloco link right there with one of those! Even if it was one of those emails with animals wearing funny clothes or whatever, but in it somewhere it said WOW BY THE WAY LOOK WHAT I JUST FOUND...... the click thru would be out the roof b/c those that are reading it are usually bored anyways... Be creative and basic too.. I've got a lot of sign-ups by off-line promotion by putting up a couple of banners with a link to either a redirect site at something at Tiny Url , redirecting from a domain i own, or just sending them to my blog or whereever, but the key is that I got quite a bit of traffic really from a couple minutes of making a flyer & just putting it up when I was close to or at the place I wanted to leave it.. OR do you know someone that sells AVON? or something similiar? HMM... wouldn't it be great to get them to throw a little promotional slip into their books they give out? or even better sign them up and let them promote it to get some of those indirect referrals and build...
There are literally tons of ways to promote something as great as this, it is TOTALLY FREE, has a great team of leaders/developers with experience and more importantly SUCCESS, it benefits those who sign-up by not just paying them once, but gives partial ownership in the company which will allow for monthly CHECKS...
Just some thoughts on AGLOCO