Best Web Hosts, Cheapest & Easiest Web-Site Builders,Free Domain Names-Unlimited Hosting
Best Web Hosts, Cheapest & Easiest Web-Site Builders,
Free Domain Names-Unlimited Hosting-Unlimited Domain Name Hosting
While sites such as blogger & wordpress offer a great solution for free blog hosting, there are many advantages to hosting your site and/or blog using a paid hosting platform. Almost all of these hosting plans offer tons of extras such as site builders, My SQL databases, etc.. Also, due to the competition for your business, the trend is moving towards having the ability to host unlimited domains on a single hosting plan. While there are different plans, ranging in prices, most of the sites can be hosted on the cheapest plan.
A few years ago it may have cost a few hundred bucks for hosting, or even more depending on the site, now you can get a good hosting platform with tons of additional free services for around $5-$6 a month!
One of the premier hosting and domain registars is
They offer a range of services and hosting plans!
One of the premier hosting and domain registars is